Outstanding Large Business Award
We are Honored to be Recognized by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Texas Plains Chapter!
Toot'n Totum has been recognized as the Outstanding Large Business by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Texas Plains Chapter! This prestigious honor, presented at their annual National Philanthropy Day event, is a reflection of the heart and dedication each of you bring to serving our guests and community.
We were nominated by Kids, Inc., who recognized our commitment to impactful philanthropy and community engagement. From our contributions to projects like the Rockrose Sports Park and Transformation Park, to our support of local universities and healthcare initiatives, our efforts are leaving a lasting mark on the areas we serve.
Community and Service
Since 1950, Toot'n Totum has been given the opportunity to build relationships and trusted partnerships in the Panhandle. We proudly serve organizations making impacts locally and nationally. Our team is proud to have committed $100,000 to the Texas Tech University School of Veterinary Medicine and pledged $1,000,000 to KidsInc. These are a few of the organizations Toot'n Totum is currently serving. We are actively growing the list of causes we support!